shipping sperm

The Undiscussed Epidemic of Male Infertility

The struggles of infertility can obviously become a source of strain on even the best of marriages. Society, as per usual, tends to assign the blame on the woman. The word “barren” is used to refer to women, and when trying to conceive the woman is the one that goes through the extensive testing first, and only once nothing is found, does the man’s examination start. Yet there is no conclusive evidence that the cause of infertility is more frequently found in the woman. In fact, recent studies show that the problems have a 50% chance to be caused by men.

Getting Help

Many factors can be the source of infertility in men. Some research shows smoking tobacco and marijuana can have a negative impact on sperm count and motility. Drinking alcohol, using steroids, intense exercise regiments, obesity, placing a laptop on your knees and just plain stress can all be linked to fertility problems for men. For all these reasons and more, it should come as no surprise that male infertility is on the rise.

The struggles of infertility are greater still since shame and guilt factor into the problem. Thankfully, today there are companies specializing in shipping sperm to the best facilities, in order to find out the exact cause of the fertility issue. Specimen couriers enable the transport of sperm to the doctors of your choice, even if a lab is situated overseas, meaning a quick, definitive answer to what is causing the problem, and the beginning of finding the right solution.

At Babysteps Biomedic Couriers, we specialize in shipping sperm internationally, efficiently and quickly. We offer the best service available, keeping your need of discretion and sensitivity in mind. Let us help you find the answers you need. Contact us here, today.

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