Over some recent years, many people have chosen to freeze and store their sperm for later usage. In this concise Q & A essay, we will explain the background reasons leading to this process as well as why and for whom it may be recommended.

Why freeze sperm?

  1. Practically speaking, all males who desire to father children in the future – yet may be susceptible to issues that will hinder their ability to do so at a later time –  should consider freezing their sperm.
  2. Men who are clearly facing  future weakened sperm counts and quality.

Who would those people be?

Among those males who are at a higher risk of low fertility rates consider the following: Cancer patients who have gone through chemo or radiation treatment, males with past undescended testicles, males who work in hot environments and where chances of injury in their workplace is above average. Excessive consumption of alcohol, tobacco and elective usage of steroids have proven to negatively affect fertility rates as well. Studies have also shown that even males with excellent sperm counts and quality can experience reduction for reasons not specified here. In addition, there are always those cases where no known medical explanation can be presented, yet such situations have been documented and do exist.

Are there medical risks in freezing sperm?

No medical or health risk has been known to occur through the process of freezing sperm. As it appears, it is rather beneficial when considering future lower fertility rates can hinder the possibility to father a child when you later deem the time ripe. However, once one has chosen to go through the process, it is most important to store frozen sperm only at licensed regulated facilities who operate by the accepted rules and standards accordingly.

How is it done?

Relative to preserving other biological specimens, freezing sperm specimens is considered quite a simple laboratory / clinic process. Though sperm can remain frozen and viable for many years, not all the sperm cells are guaranteed to survive a long frozen state. However, since healthy sperm specimens generally  count in the many millions, sperm cells survival rates are more than sufficient for future post-thawing use.

What is the process?

The entire process is rather swift and does not require much effort considering its long term effects. As with everything of medical nature there is paperwork.. You will be required to answer a medical questionnaire regarding your medical history. You will then be administered a blood test to rule out the presence of certain infectious diseases such as hepatitis and HIV.  A contract and your signed consent form authorizing the freezing and storing of sperm will then be processed. The sperm specimen will then be frozen and placed in storage.

What else should I know?

You are required to stay in touch with the sperm bank / storage facility towards the end of the contract term you are in agreement with. Lack of continued contact can result in the facility discarding your specimen once the contract time has ended. It is incumbent upon you to update the facility with changes to your address or phone information. Loss of contact between you and the facility due to lacking information can also result in elimination of your specimen once the end of contract term arrives.

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